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Episode 89: Remaining Issues with Lunar Formation, Interview with Robin Canup

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Recap: Dr. Robin Canup is the Associate Vice President of the Planetary Science Directorate at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, CO. She received her BS in physics from Duke University and her PhD in planetary sciences from the University of Colorado, and Robin has been at the forefront for over a decade in simulating how the moon may have formed. In this interview, we discuss some of the remaining issues with how the moon may have formed and what the current state of the research is.

Puzzler for Episode 89: There is no puzzler in episode 89.

Answer to Puzzler from Episode 88: There was no puzzler in episode 88.

Q&A: There was no Q&A in episode 89.

Additional Materials:

  • Logical Fallacies / Critical Thinking Terms addressed in this episode: Special Pleading.
  • Relevant Posts on my "Exposing PseudoAstronomy" Blog


Since this was an interview, there is no transcript. The topics discussed included:

  • Overview of different lunar formation models.
  • Why a giant impact isn't improbable or special pleading.
  • Numerous tweaks to the impact model that can explain observations today that are incongruous with the current versions of the impact model.
  • Where the field is going today and outstanding issues the community hopes to answer in the next several years.

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