Episode 36 (BONUS): Live "GAPs Young-Earth Creationists Must Believe or Ignore" Talk at Skepticamp
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Recap: Stuart gave a live, half-hour talk about geology, astronomy, and physics that young-Earth creationists have to believe or ignore in order to be young-Earth creationists. This was given at the Denver, Colorado Skepticamp in May 2012. This is a live recording.
Additional Materials:
- Additional Resources
- The Onion's "Sumerians Look on in Confusion as God Creates World"
- Chronology of how old Earth is @TalkOrigins
- How radiometric dating works @TalkOrigins
- FAQ on Age of Earth @TalkOrigins
- Historical Measurements of the Speed of Light
- Speed of Light @Wikipedia
- Astronomical Distance Ladder
- Relevant Posts on my "Exposing PseudoAstronomy" Blog
As this was a live talk, there is no transcript.
I went through the history of how scientists have figured out how old Earth is and addressed the work-arounds that young-Earth creationists must put in place to account for them.
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