Episode 75: Young-Earth Creationist, David Coppedge, Sues NASA for Discrimination, and He Loses
Recap: Back in 2010, David Coppedge, a young-Earth creationist and an Intelligent Design advocate, sued NASA for workplace discrimination, alleging he had been discriminated against due to his religious views. He later amended the lawsuit for wrongful termination after he was fired. In early 2013, the lawsuit was thrown out in its entirety. This episode is an interview with a legal expert about the case.
Puzzler for Episode 75: There was no puzzler for this episode.
Answer to Puzzler from Episode 74: This will be discussed in Episode 76.
Q&A: There was no Q&A for this episode.
Additional Materials:
- Reference Materials
- Legal documents pertaining to the case on the National Center for Science Education's website
- Wikipedia on the Cassini mission
- The Discovery Institute on the judge's ruling
- Relevant Posts on my "Exposing PseudoAstronomy" Blog
There is no transcript as this was an interview. The only topic discussed was about the lawsuit filed by David Coppedge against CalTech and NASA's JPL for workplace discrimination due to his young-Earth creationist ideas.
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